Maria Arminda morreu em 2016. Janine, a neta, com quase 29 anos, acaba de se aperceber que já passaram sete desde a morte da avó e que não pensa nela tanto quanto deveria. A realizadora expõe a sua culpa em relação à falta de memória da avó e também questiona como a sua mãe e avó se sentiam quando alguém importante morria e se as suas memórias desapareciam como as dela.

Maria Arminda Died in 2016. Janine her Granddaughter is almost 29, and she just realizes that have been already 7 years since her grandmother’s death and that she doesn't think of her as much as she should. In this short film, the director exposes her guilty regarding her lack of memory of her grandmother and also questions how her mother and even her grandmother felt when someone important died and if their memories of them vanished as hers did.

DOC / 15’ / 2023 / Janine Gonçalves

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